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Classes AppUtil

Classes Other

Classes SmoModifier

Classes SmoObject

Classes SmoToMidi

Classes SmoToXml

Classes SmoTransform

Classes SmoUtilities

Classes SuiApplication

Classes SuiAudio

Classes SuiDialog

Classes SuiRender

Classes SuiUiBase

Interfaces Other

Interfaces SmoModifier

Interfaces SmoParameters

Interfaces SmoParams

Interfaces SmoToXml

Interfaces SmoTransform

Interfaces SmoUtilities

Interfaces SuiApplication

Interfaces SuiAudio

Interfaces SuiDialog

Interfaces SuiDialogParams

Interfaces SuiParameters

Interfaces SuiRender

Interfaces SuiRenderParams

Interfaces SuiUiBase

Interfaces {SmoParams}

Type Aliases


Functions Other

Functions SuiAudio

Type Aliases

BatchSelectionOperation: "dotDuration" | "undotDuration" | "doubleDuration" | "halveDuration" | "doubleGraceNoteDuration" | "halveGraceNoteDuration"

supported operations for {@link SmoOperation.batchSelectionOperation} to change a note's duration

ButtonAction: "menu" | "modal" | "collapseChild" | "collapseChildMenu" | "collapseParent" | "collapseGrandchild" | "collapseMore"

Button actions are one of the following.

  • collapse... buttons are used to expand/collapse button groups in a ribbon. all buttons with these classes have 'ctor' constructor, and perform actions based on their bind method
  • menu brings up a modal menu with class 'ctor'
  • modal brings up a modal dialog with class 'ctor'
  • collapseChildMenu brings up a modal menu, and is also collapsable.
Clef: "treble" | "bass" | "tenor" | "alto" | "soprano" | "percussion" | "mezzo-soprano" | "baritone-c" | "baritone-f" | "subbass" | "french"

Restriction from string to supported clefs

PitchLetter: "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g"

constraint for SmoPitch.letter value, in lower case

SampleChooser: ((params: SampleChooserParams, samples: SmoOscillatorInfo[]) => AudioSample | null)

Type declaration

Union of modifier types Smo modifier types

SmoTextGroupPurpose: "NONE" | "TITLE" | "SUBTITLE" | "COMPOSER" | "COPYRIGHT"

Suggestion for text purpose, maybe used to find a match..maybe not used at all

engravingFontType: "Bravura" | "Gonville" | "Petaluma" | "Leland"

List of engraving fonts available in Smoosic


engravingFontTypes: engravingFontType[] = ...

Arrary of engraving fonts available in Smoosic

Other Functions

  • IsOscillatorType(otype: string): otype is OscillatorType
  • createTopDomContainer(selector: string | HTMLElement, elementType?: string): HTMLElement
  • Create a top-level HTML element for modal containers - dialogs etc. from a jquery selector, or just return same if it exists


    • selector: string | HTMLElement
    • Optional elementType: string

    Returns HTMLElement

  • getDomContainer(selector: string | HTMLElement): HTMLElement | undefined
  • Extract an HTMLElement from a Jquery id, DOM element ID, or HTMLELement. If an HTMLElement can't be created, return null


    • selector: string | HTMLElement

    Returns HTMLElement | undefined


SuiAudio Functions

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