Show all staves, 1:1 mapping of view score staff to stored score staff
Change the active voice in a multi-voice measure.
Get the equivalent selection from this.storeScore that maps to the displayed selection from this.score
Get the equivalent selection from this.storeScore that maps to the displayed selection from this.score
The plural form of _getEquivalentSelection
Get the selector from this.storeScore that maps to the displayed selector from this.score
Get the equivalent staff id from this.storeScore that maps to the displayed selector from this.score
Get the rectangle of selections indicated by the parameters from the score
Parts have different formatting options from the parent score, indluding layout. Reset them when exposing a part.
Remove dynamics from the selection
Update renderer for measures that have changed
Update renderer for some columns
Set the layout of a single page
page layout
which page to change
Update score based on transposing flag.
Create a rectangle undo, like a multiple columns but not necessarily the whole score.
operation that only affects the first selection. Setup undo for the measure
Setup undo for operation that affects the whole score
Score preferences don't affect the display, but they do have an undo
Add the selection to the undo buffer
Add multiple selections to the undo buffer as a group
A staff modifier has changed, create undo operations for the measures affected
Add to the undo buffer the current set of measures selected.
Add crescendo to selection
Modify the dynamics assoicated with the specific selection
Add a volta for selected measures
Add a grace note to the selected real notes.
change key signature for selected measures
vex key signature
add a single measure before or after selection
add number of measures, with default notes selections
Update the staff group for a score, which determines how the staves are justified and bracketed
Change a staff modifier
original version
modified version
Add a specific microtone modifier to the selected notes
A simpler API for applications to add a new staff to the score.
the instrument, which determines clef, etc.
Add a new text group to the score
a new text group
Select the next tabbable modifier near one of the selected notes
change the duration of notes for selected, creating more or fewer notes. After the change, reset the selection so it's as close as possible to the original length
Add the selected notes to a beam group
Assign an instrument to a set of measures
the instrument to assign to the selections
Update the view after loading or restoring a completely new score
change the selected chord into a single note
Generic clipboard copy action
Add crescendo to selection
Add crescendo to selection
diminuendo selections
delete selected measures
we never really delete a note, but we will convert it into a rest and if it's already a rest we will try to hide it. Operates on current selections
Delete all the notes for the currently selected voice
Add crescendo to selection
Exposes a part: hides non-part staves, shows part staves. Note this will reset the view. After this operation, staff 0 will be the selected part.
Return the index of the page that is in the center of the client screen.
Gets the current mapping of displayed staves to score staves (this.storeScore)
set the grouping flag for undo operations
Grow the current selection by one to the left, if possible
Grow the current selection by one to the right, if possible
Select the next entire measure, if possible
Find an element at the given box, and make it the current selection
Indicates if the score is displaying in part-mode vs. score mode.
load a remote score in SMO format
url to find the score
Load a remote score, return promise when it's been loaded from afar.
load an mxml score remotely, return a promise that completes when the file is loaded
where to find the xml file
make selected notes into a rest, or visa-versa
convert non-tuplet not to a tuplet
3 means triplet, etc.
Proxy calls to move the tracker parameters according to the rules of the 'End' key (depending on shift/ctrl/alt)
Proxy calls to move the tracker parameters according to the rules of the 'Home' key (depending on shift/ctrl/alt)
Move cursor down a staff in the system, if possible
Advance cursor backwards, if possible
Advance cursor back entire measure, if possible
Move cursor to a lower pitch in the current chord, with wrap
Move cursor to a higher pitch in the current chord, with wrap
Advance cursor forwards, if possible
Advance cursor forward one measure, if possible
Move cursor up a staff in the system, if possible
Move selected staff up or down in the score.
direction to move
clipboard paste action
Play the music from the starting selection
Populate a new voice with default notes
the voice to populate
Save the score to local storage.
await on the full update of the score, also resetting the viewport (to reflect layout changes)
Remove dynamics from the current selection
remove selected grace note
The lyric editor moves around, so we can't depend on the tracker for the correct selection. We get it directly from the editor.
the selector of the note with the lyric to remove
a copy of the lyric to remove. We use the verse, parser to identify it
render promise
remove an entire line of music
Remove selected modifier
slur, hairpin, etc.
Remove system breaks from the measure formatting for selected measures
'remove' tempo, which means either setting the bars to the default tempo, or the previously-set tempo.
whether to reset entire score
Remove the text group from the score
Await on the full update of the score
Add crescendo to selection
Set the current suggestions (hover element) as the selection
Upate global font used for chord changes
Update the music font
set global page for score, zoom etc.
global SVG settings
Create a chord by adding an interval to selected note
1/2 steps
Update font used for lyrics
Update the staff ID when the view changes
Update the measure formatting parameters for the current selection
generic measure formatting parameters
specify a note head other than the default for the duration
Add a pitch to the score at the cursor. This tries to find the best pitch to match the letter key (F vs F# for instance) based on key and surrounding notes
Sets a pitch from the piano widget.
indicates we are adding to a chord
Render a pitch for each letter name-pitch in the string,
letter names for pitches
promise, resolved when all pitches rendered
Set the time signature for a selection
actual time signature
display time signature if different, as in for pickup notes
Update the list of staves in the score that are displayed.
show or hide the piano widget
to show it
Toggle slash in stem of grace note
Slur selected notes
Bootstrapping function, creates the renderer and associated timers
tie selected notes
Toggle selected modifier on selected notes
parent class constructor (e.g. SmoOrnament)
up or down
toggle the 'end beam' flag for selected notes
Toggle cautionary/courtesy accidentals
toggle the accidental spelling of the selected notes
toggle rehearsal mark on first selected measure
Toggle chicken-scratches, for jazz improv, comping etc.
transpose selected notes
1/2 steps
for the view score, the renderer decides what to render depending on what is undone.
Convert selected tuplet to a single (if possible) non-tuplet
Update part info assumes that the part is currently exposed - that staff 0 is the first staff in the part prior to editing.
Await on the partial update of the score in the view
Update information about the score, composer etc.
Global settings that control how the score editor behaves
UPdate tempo for all or part of the score
the measure with the tempo. Tempo is measure-wide parameter
if true, update whole score. Else selections
UPdate an existing text group. The original is passed in, because since TG not tied to a musical element, we need to find the one we're updating.
view all the staffs in score mode.
This is used in some Smoosic demos and pens.
any action, but most usefully a SuiScoreView method
number of times to repeat, waiting on render promise between if not specified, defaults to 1
promise, resolved action has been completed and score is updated.
Generated using TypeDoc
MVVM-like operations on the displayed score.
All operations that can be performed on a 'live' score go through this module. It maps the score view to the actual score and makes sure the model and view stay in sync.
Because this object operates on the current selections, all operations return promise so applications can wait for the operation to complete and update the selection list.